Dewey in Art as Experience does not have much to say about the aesthetics of nature. But he has an interesting passage on "the absorption of the aesthetic into
nature" when he discusses the experience of W. H. Hudson, the
Argentine/British author and naturalist to the effect that one is only
properly alive when one is experiencing nature. Dewey also associates
aesthetic experience of nature with acute mystical experience (also
using a quote from Hudson.) The hoary aspect of the tree made it "more
intensely alive" for Hudson. Emerson is also quoted as having a similar
experience in nature. This is in the chapter "The Live Creature and 'Ethereal Things'." A striking quote is "There is no limit to the
capacity of immediate sensuous experience to absorb into itself meaning
and values" that would normally be considered spiritual. He then
observes that the art of architecture similarly absorbs sensuous form.
He also mentions on page 209 in "The Common Substance of the Arts" that a
painting of a tree can make it "more poignant than before." And on pg.
97 he observes that a linear outline can help us recognize the general
species of a tree. In another passage that may be taken as related to
the aesthetics of nature, in "The Common Substance of the Arts," Dewey
observes that we are always aware of "something that lies beyond" and,
again, associates this with mysticism: the experience of the tree is as
a "part of a larger whole." The "sense of the including whole" is
characteristic of ordinary experience as well, even of a tree. Dewey
also has a discussion of nature in his chapter "The Natural History of
Form." There he stresses continuities between man and nature, the
antithesis of nature not being art but "stereotyped convention." (pg.
158) Here, he notably says that art using natural materials proves that
"nature" is not limited to what philosopher normally call nature, but
includes also the complex of our interactions with what they call
Arnold Berleant "Engaging Dewey - The Legacy of Dewey's Aesthetics." 2009 has addressed Dewey's view's relevance to the aesthetics of nature. "The aesthetic experience of natural events may
indeed exemplify an experience, moving over a course to consummation. But
much appreciation of nature focuses on momentary events and specific details:
the sight of a full moon suspended in a black sky and casting its ethereal light
over the earth’s surface or the discovery in the spring of the delicate blossom
of an anemone hidden amid the dead debris on the forest floor." He adds that such things do not exemplify the "fulfilled course of an experience" in Dewey's sense.
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