
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Bibliography of Everyday Aesthetics since 2011

Below is my bibliography for everyday aesthetics since 2011.  If you are an author working in this field and you are not included, please let me know. Also, it is far from perfect, but I thought I would get it up in this state.

Berleant, Arnold. "Aesthetic Sensibility," Ambiances [on line], Enjeux - Arguments - Positions, March 30 2015, Accessed Jan. 13. 2017.

Berleant, Arnold.  Aesthetics Beyond the Arts (Aldershot:  Ashgate, 2012).

Berleant, Arnold.  "Tranformations in Art and Aesthetics," in Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014): 2-13.

Berleant, Arnold.  "Negative Aesthetics in Everyday Life," Aesthetic Pathways 1:2 (2011):75-91. 

Bhatt, Ritu.  Rethinking aesthetics: The role of body in design (Routledge, 2013).

Carlson, Allen.  "The Dilemma of Everyday Aesthetics," Aesthetics of Everyday Life:  East and West ed. Liu Yuedi and Curtis L. Carter, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.

Carter, Curtis.  "Art Photography and Everyday Life," Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014): 80-89.

Davies, David.  “Applied Aesthetics.” A Companion to Applied Philosophy, (Wiley Blackwell, 2016).

Davies, David. “Sibley and the Limits of Everyday Aesthetics.” Journal Of Aesthetic Education 49: 3 (2015): 50-65.

Davies, Stephen.  "The Aesthetics of Adornments," in 
Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014): 124-133.

Dowling, Christopher. “Thomas Leddy:  The Extraordinary in the Ordinary:  The Aesthetics of Everyday Life.”  Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. May 19, 2012.

Elkington, Sam. “Disturbance and Complexity in Urban Places: The Everyday Aesthetics of Leisure.” Landscapes of Leisure (Palgrave: 2015).

Farías, Gabriela.  “Everyday Aesthetics in Contemporary Art.” University of Guanajuato, Mexico  Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities 3:3 (2011): 440-447.

Feagin, Susan.  "Theatre and the Everyday:  Three Models." Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014.):  96-114.

Fernández Gómez, M. Rosa. La estética de lo cotidiano y el ars contextualis en asia oriental. Suplementos de Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 17 (2012): 109-125.

Forsey, Jane. “The Promise, the Challenge, of Everyday Aesthetics,” Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico, 7:1 (2014): 5-2.

Forsey, Jane. “Appraising the ordinary -- tension in everyday aesthetics.”Proceedings of the European Society for Aesthetics 5 (2013) 237-245.

Forsey, Jane.  The Aesthetics of Design. (Oxford University Press, 2013).

Freeland, Cynthia.  “Jane Forsey, The Aesthetics of Design (Oxford U. Press, 2013).” Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.   Jan. 1, 2014.

Furrow, Dwight.  American Foodie:  Taste, Art, and the Cultural Revolution (Rowman and Littlefield, 2016.)

Highmore, Ben.  Ordinary Lives:  Studies in the Everyday.  (London: Routledge, 2011).

Iannilli, Gioia Laura. “Inter-facing Everydayness From Distance to Use, Through the Cartographic Paradigm” Aisthesis, Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico, 7:1 (2114).

Irvin, Sherri (ed.), Body Aesthetics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.)

Kaplan, David M. The Philosophy of Food  (University of California Press, 2012).

Kim, Kwang Myung. "The Aesthetic Turn in Everyday Life in Korea." Open Journal of Philosophy, 3, (2013): 359-365. 

Leddy, Thomas. “Aesthetization, Artification, and Aquariums,”Contemporary Aesthetics  (2012).

Leddy, Thomas. “Experience of Awe: An Expansive Approach,”Contemporary Aesthetics 13 (2015)

Leddy, Thomas.  “Shusterman's Thinking Through the Body and Everyday Aesthetics,” Contemporary Pragmatism, Author-Meets-Critics Symposium on Richard Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body (2015). 79-99.

Leddy, Thomas.  “Everyday Aesthetics and Photography,” Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico, 7, no. 1 (2014): 45-62. 

Leddy, Thomas.  “Everyday Aesthetics and Happiness,” in Aesthetics of Everyday Life: West and East ed. Liu Yuedi and Curtis Carter (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2014).

Leddy, Thomas. Review “Stroud, Scott R. John Dewey and the Artful Life: Pragmatism, Aesthetics, and Morality. Penn State University Press, 2011,” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71 (2):215-217 (2013)

Leddy, Thomas.  “John Dewey,” Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers ed. Alessandro Giovannelli (New York: Continuum, 2012).

Leddy, Thomas. “Defending Everyday Aesthetics and the Concept of 'Pretty',” Contemporary Aesthetics 10 (2012).

Leddy, Thomas.  Review: "Allen Carlson, and Glen Parsons. Functional Beauty," Philosophy in Review 31:3 (2011) 231-234.

Livingstone, Paisley.  “New Directions in Aesthetics,” The Bloomsbury Companion to Aesthetics (London:  Bloomsbury, 2015): 255-267.

Matteucci, Giovanni. “The Aesthetic as a Matter of Practices: Form of Life in Everydayness and Art” Comprendre  18:2 (2016)  9-28 link

Matteucci, Giovanni, ed.  Estetica e Practica del Quotidiano:  Oggetto, esperienza, design  (Milano: Mimesis, 2015),

Melchionne, Kevin.  “The Point of Everyday Aesthetics.” Contemporary Aesthetics 12 (2014).

Melchionne, Kevin.  “The Definition of Everyday Aesthetics,”Contemporary Aesthetics 11 (2013).

Melchionne, Kevin.  “Leddy, Thomas.  The Extraordinary in the Ordinary:  The Aesthetics of Everyday Life.”  Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 71 (3):296-298 (2013).

Melchionne, Kevin.  "Aesthetic Experience in Everyday Life: A Reply to Dowling," British Journal of Aesthetics 2011.

Moller, Dan. "The boring." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72:2 (2014): 181-191.

Montero, Barbara Gail.  Thought in Action:  Expertise and the Conscious Mind.  (Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 2016).

Naukkarinen, Ossi and Yuriko Saito (eds.),  Artification, Special Volume 4 of Contemporary Aesthetics (2012).

Naukkarinen, Ossi.  “What is 'Everyday' in Everyday Aesthetics,”Contemporary Aesthetics  11 (2013).

Naukkarinen, Ossi.  “Contemporary Aesthetics: Perspectives on Time, Space, and Content,” Contemporary Aesthetics 12 (2014).

Naukkarinen, Ossi.  “Aesthetic Footprints.” Aesthetic Pathways 2:1(2011): 89-111.

Naukkarinen, Ossi. "Everyday Aesthetic Practices, Ethics and Tact" Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico [Online], 7:1 (2014).

Ngai, Sianne.  Our Aesthetic Categories: Zany, Cute, Interesting,(Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2012.)

Norton, Brian Michael.   Lumen: Selected Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies / Lumen : travaux choisis de la Société canadienne d'étude du dix-huitième siècle, 34 (2015): 123-136.

Norton, Brian Michael. "The Spectator, Aesthetic Experience and the Modern Idea of Happiness" English Literature 2:1 (2015).

Paetzold, Heinz. “Aesthetics of urban design.” Diogenes 59:1-2 (2013): 63-72.

Pahl, K.  “The aesthetics of everyday literacies: Home writing practices in a British Asian household,” Anthropology & Education Quarterly (2014).

Postrol, Virginia.  The Power of Glamour: Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion (New York: Simon Schuster:  2013).

Potgieter, Frederick.  "On intersubjectivity in art and everyday aesthetics," De Arte 5:12 (2016).

Puolakka, Kalle. “The Aesthetic Pulse of the Everyday: Defending Dewey,” Contemporary Aesthetics 13 (2015).

Puolakka, Kalle.  “Dewey and Everyday Aesthetics - A New Look,”Contemporary Aesthetics 12 (2014).

Puolakka, Kalle.  "Getting Rid of Bad Habits:  The Proper Role of Imagination in Everyday Aesthetics," Aesthetic Pathways 1:2 (2011):  47-64.

Quacchia, Russell.  “The Aesthetic Experiences of Aura, Awe, and Wonder: Reflections on Their Nature and Relationships,” Contemporary Aesthetics 14 (2016).

Ratiu, Dan Eugen.  “Remapping the Realm of Aesthetics: On Recent Controversies about the Aesthetic and Aesthetic Experience in Everyday Life,” Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics  Issue 1 (2013) 3-27.

Ruggerone, L. and Jenkings, N.  "Talking about Beauty: A Study of Everyday Aesthetics among Low-Income Citizens of Milan." Symbolic Interaction, 38(2015): 393–412.

Saito, Yuriko.  ”Body Aesthetics and Cultivation of Moral Virtues,” in Body Aesthetics, Sherri Irvin (ed.), (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.)
Saito, Yuriko. “Everyday Aesthetics,” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter Edition 2015).

Saito, Yuriko.  "Everyday Aesthetics in the Japanese Tradition," Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014):  145-164.

Saito, Yuriko. “Everyday Aesthetics and World-Making.” Suplementos De Contrastes: Revista Internacional De Filosofia 17 (2012): 255-274.

Saito, Yuriko.  "The Power of the Aesthetics."  Aesthetic Pathways 1:2 (2011):  11-25.

Semczyszyn, Nola.  “Public Aquariums and Marine Aesthetics,” Contemporary Aesthetics 11 (2013). 

Scruton, Roger.  Beauty: A Very Short Introduction, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).

Shiner, Larry. “Blurred Boundaries”? Rethinking the Concept of Craft and its Relation to Art and Design. Philosophy Compass, 7 (2012): 230–244.

Shusterman, Richard.  "Transactional Experiential Inquiry:  From Pragmatism to Somaesthetics."  Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2015) 180-195.  Shusterman there answers my own paper in this issue from pp. 183-186.

Shusterman, Richard.  Thinking Through the Body:  Essays in Somaesthetics (Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2012).

Shusterman, Richard.  ”Everyday Aesthetics of Embodiment,” in Rethinking Aesthetics: The Role of Body in Design, Ritu Bhatt (ed.), (New York: Routledge, 2013).

Simpson, Zachary.  Life as Art:  Aesthetics and the Creation of the Self (New York:  Lexington Books, 2012).

Stroud, Scott.  John Dewey and the Artful Life:  Pragmatism, Aesthetics, and Morality (University Park, Penn.:  Penn. State University Press, 2011.)

Vihalem, Margus. "What is at Stake in Everyday Aesthetics? Looking for a New Perspective on Aesthetic Experience." Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi 25, no. 3/4 (2016): 38-61.  Studies on Art and Architecture (Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi) is the journal of the Estonian Society of Art Historians and Curators. This article is largely a critique of my book, The Extraordinary in the Ordinary from a Deweyan perspective.

Wiseman, Mary.  "Damask Napkins and the Train from Sichuan:  Aesthetic Experience and Ordinary Things."  Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014.) 134-144.

Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014.)

Yuedi, Liu.  "'Living Aesthetics,' from the Perspective of the intercultural Turn," in Yuedi, Liu and Curtis L. Carter (eds.), Aesthetics of Everyday Life: East and West, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014): 14-25.

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